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Duo Perfetto

The Duo was born about a year ago from the meeting of two performers very similar in musical terms but coming from two vastly different academic paths. It is indeed these characteristics, plus their similarities in musical intention and their heterogeneous origins, which make the Duo so distinctive. Its repertoire is the end-product of a very broad musical journey, whose compositional forms range from classical traditions to more innovative, jazz-inspired influences.

Although only recently established, the Duo boasts numerous performances in the current year throughout the island of Sardinia, and there are various projects in the pipeline which will see them involved in several events, both in Italy and abroad.

In particular, the Duo performed during the 2014 Cagliari Opera House concert season, where they played chamber music in a quintet featuring the great violinist Pavel Vernikov, with a repertoire that ranged from Prokofiev to Strauss.

More recent performances include the participation at the “Cagliari Music Festival” in support of the City’s candidacy as European Capital of Culture 2015. The event, held at the Cagliari Opera House, featured a Sardinian-Argentinian program entitled “from Bonaria to Buenos Aires”. Last April, the Duo performed at the Royal Palace of Cagliari with a purely classical program.

Last August, the Duo took part in the 2015 International Festival near the Sardinian island of Carloforte and also performed a jazz-style program at the “Future and Farmers” exhibition. Finally, just a few days ago, the Duo played at the Municipal Art Gallery of the City of Cagliari.

Duo Perfetto




Clorinda Perfetto - piano 

Robert Witt -  cello

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